I woke up one morning 32 years ago with an awful pain I’d never experienced before. I did the usual thing that I did for any pain and took a couple of Tylenol or Advil whatever was on the shelf, thinking it would go away but the pain persisted throughout the day. At the time, I was a young wife and mother of two rambunctious toddlers so after several days of this unrelenting burning sensation in my skin I thought I would nip-it-in-the bud and make an appointment with a doctor.
My physician not knowing what to think, referred me to another colleague who then referred me to another and so on. Weeks went by with multiple doctor visits and scores of tests and still nothing. I prayed fervently for answers but none came.
By this time the nerve pain in my skin was becoming debilitating. It was affecting every part of my life including my interaction with my family. I begged, pleaded with God. But day after day it was the same. I felt God’s presence but not His answers. Doctors finally concluded that this was possibly a soft-tissue disorder and this pain was one I would have to live with for the rest of my life.
Discouragement overwhelmed me and I remember going into the bathroom and kneeling on the hard tile floor and shaking my fist toward the ceiling, yelling at God, demanding the answers to my why’s.
Literally within days answers for my particular affliction started coming. I discovered a treatment for people with this same disorder and someone else pointed me to a foundation set up where I could get more information. I joined the VP Foundation and as I got relief and recovered I volunteered as a leader to help others who were just beginning to walk through this same fiery trial.
The first phone call I received was from a frightened young woman who’s life was coming unraveled. I was able to encourage her, point her to answers, and share with her what God can do. When I heard the new found hope in this woman’s voice, an overwhelming joy filled my heart as the tears spilled from my eyes. This was the answer to my why. Why God didn’t save me from the fire in that moment but walked me through it.
Friend, I don’t know what kind of challenge you might be facing today but if I can give you any encouragement it is to say, God is able to do all things. He is able to save you from this fire. But even if you’re still walking in the midst of it, I can tell you firsthand, he is faithful to never leave you or forsake you. He will walk with you through it. His promises are true.
“If we are thrown into the burning furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us form Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up (Daniel 3:17-18).

Christy is an award winning writer, national speaker, wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandma! She is passionate about helping women devote a closer relationship with God by seeing Him at work in their lives. When Christy isn’t with family, speaking or writing, you can find her on the tennis court chasing a fuzzy yellow ball. You can connect with Christy on her blog, Joying in the Journey, Facebook, and Twitter.
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