Welcome to time-change Monday – the Mondayest of Mondays.
True to form, I woke up late for a 3-hour appointment and rushed out the door without breakfast or my go-to Diet Coke.
But the good news is that Monday doesn’t start our week. The week started yesterday, on Sunday, a day of worship and the Word.
I’m apt to let Monday set the pace of my week and get caught up in Monday’s plans and problems.
But I need to let Sunday set the pace. Because our core purpose is to worship.
We were made to praise.
It’s not that God needs our worship. God is perfect and complete, infinite and without need. His glory is inherent and part of his nature.
If we never praised God, if we never worshipped him, if everyone on this earth turned a blind eye and cold heart to God, He would continue to exist in perfect, majestic glory.
Right now, on this Monday, as people around the globe come home from work or head out for their day, some acknowledging God, some never giving him the time of day, God is on His throne and worshipped in absolute splendor.
And yet God calls us to worship because worship changes us.
Worship moves our focus off our little world, with our plans and priorities, and places it where it should be — on God, on His plans and His priorities. Worship aligns our will to God’s. And worship reminds us that this world is not all there is.
So on this Monday, let’s be Sunday people. Women who worship no matter what day it is. And women ready to glorify God no matter what this day and this week holds.
Worship is one of the many ways we posture our hearts and minds to surrender to the Lord. Join us for week two in our “Surrendered” podcast series as Lauren and Rochelle talk about The Surrendered Mind.

Lisa Appelo is a speaker, writer and Bible teacher who inspires women to deepen their faith in grief and find hope in the hard. Eight years ago, Lisa became a sudden widow and single mom to 7. She’s passionate about rich Bible study and teaches a weekly ladies Bible class. She’s a speaker with She Found Joy and has been published at Proverbs 31 Ministries, (in)courage, Risen Motherhood, Jennifer Rothschild and more.
As a former litigating attorney, her days are now filled with parenting, ministry, writing, speaking and running enough to justify lots of dark chocolate. Get your FREE 5-day Bible study on Flourishing in the Unexpected here and connect with Lisa on Instagram @lisaappelo.
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